

Podcasts I Listen To


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1. YoGPoD

This podcast hasn’t officially ended, but considering that the most recent episode was published in 2016 and that the podcast feed has since been used for another podcast, I think it’s safe to say that this podcast has ended. This, however, doesn’t change the fact that it is my favourite podcast of all time.

The podcast is hosted by Lewis and Simon, the two founders of the Yogscast (hence the name of the podcast). As one of the listeners has said, it really just feels like two friends who woke up in the morning, called each other, and just had really funny conversations about random things. I have yet to find another podcast that is this funny, up-lifting, and infinitely re-listenable.

Favourite episode: #25 - Chess Boxing (Explicit)

2. Hello Internet

There aren’t many podcasts I listen to today which I genuinely look forward to another episode of, Hello Internet is one of the few. This podcast is also what they describe as “two dudes talking” (spotting a pattern?) where the two hosts, Brady Haran and CGPGrey talk about stuff they care about. No matter the topic of discussion, the two host never fail to make the discussion simultaneously entertaining and thought-provoking.

Favourite episode: #85 - Another Person I’ve Never Heard Of

3. 99% Invisible

If you are a podcast listener and have an interest in design, you probably already know about this podcast. It is not a podcast about design per se, but it talks about the stories behind things that are not noticed by people, things that are 99% invisible; and that sort of parallels with one of the cliché sayings in design – “Great design is in all the things you don’t notice”. The soothing voice of the host Roman Mars coupled with the interesting stories about things that people generally don’t think much about makes this my go-to podcast for when I feel stressed out and need to relax.

Favourite episode: #272 - Person in Lotus Position

I listen to more podcasts than the three mentioned here, but may be I’ll save them for another post.